Transforming Infrastructure

New infrastructure needs new capital

According to a study by the Global Infrastructure Investor Association, only 38% of people worldwide were satisfied with their infrastructure in 2023. We are experiencing everyday problems with the existing infrastructure, which is very often outdated and requires further development. In addition to modernising existing roads, trains and tracks, distribution networks, and communication infrastructure, we must start now to build the infrastructure of tomorrow.

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Top Insights

Matt Christensen, our Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing, shares his five themes for 2025 in the first of a new video series.

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Navigating Rates

The dynamics of the gold market are changing. The factors that have historically supported the yellow metal are fading as a new set of influences emerges. What hasn’t changed, in our view, is the strategic value that gold can bring to portfolios.

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Navigating Rates

The “barbell” portfolio, made up of a big US equity allocation and a big cash allocation, is widespread. But is it due a rethink?

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