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En tant qu'investisseur durable, nous fixons des critères stricts pour les entreprises dans lesquelles nous investissons et nos clients s'attendent à ce que nous en fassions autant dans le cadre de nos activités.
Les élections américaines de 2024 pourraient représenter un moment important pour l'économie et les marchés à l'échelle mondiale. De la politique fiscale au commerce, lisez notre première évaluation des résultats.
Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East have raised geopolitical tensions to their highest level in years. But how much do geopolitics impact markets? We analysed 28 historical events and identified three findings that may help to navigate geopolitical risks.
According to a study by the Global Infrastructure Investor Association, only 38% of people worldwide were satisfied with their infrastructure in 2023. We are experiencing everyday problems with the existing infrastructure, which is very often outdated and requires further development. In addition to modernising existing roads, trains and tracks, distribution networks, and communication infrastructure, we must start now to build the infrastructure of tomorrow.
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