A multi-asset strategy with
three defence belts



A broad diversification is not enough to reduce volatility and risk in a successful multi-asset strategy. Allianz Global Investors adds two extra defence belts.


Belt One: Diversification

For Allianz Global Investors the composition of a diversified investment portfolio is only the first of three defence belts for its multi-asset funds. "A diversified investment portfolio provides a more stable return. Nevertheless, a diversification with more than 200 shares and bonds is not sufficient to limit the risks as much as possible. If all asset classes fall sharply during a crisis, the losses can also run high in a diversified investment portfolio," says Marcus Bayer, Product Specialist Multi Asset at Allianz Global Investors.


Belt Two: Active risk management

That is why the unique investment process behind the multi-asset strategy of Allianz Global Investors is itself a defence belt. After all, fundamental analysis is combined with a systematic model that identifies trends for different asset classes and indicates exaggerations in the market. The statistical analysis can determine the direction, duration and intensity of the trend. "A fund manager can only invest in assets for which the trend is positive. A reversion indicator also shows reversals of the trends, which gives the fund manager the opportunity to anticipate and to reduce the position for that asset class again.


Belt Three: Market risk identification

"A broad diversification and trend analysis still offers too little buffer at times when all asset classes fall sharply, such as in 2008 and 2011. At those moments there is still a need for active risk management," says Bayer. When the financial markets go through a crisis, the multi-asset strategy of Allianz Global Investors aims to limit the loss to a maximum of half the loss of the broad market. This is done with active risk management. Bayer: "The fund manager is obliged to reduce positions as soon as the losses exceed a certain threshold. That threshold is not static but is constantly evolving."

Active risk management comes with a price. "It's an insurance. And just like all other insurance contracts, you pay an insurance premium," says Bayer. In exceptional circumstances, active risk management can limit the losses. But when markets recover quickly, there is a risk that the fund manager will eliminate positions that recover the next day. Bayer: "That's the price you pay for maximum defence." So far, the risk management system has only been activated twice within the multi-asset funds of Allianz Global Investors. The last time dates from February 2016.

Find out more about flexible multi-asset investing with these strategies, tailored for different investor types with individual return opportunities.

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