Flexible multi-asset investing with Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI funds
Flexibility and dynamism are key principles in the management of all Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI (DMAS SRI) funds, and the objective is to make the most of market development and trends. Our main mission is to reduce losses in the face of potential negative market-based events with risk and stability management being deeply embedded in the investment process.
The strategy aims to combine value-preserving and yield-generating sustainable core investments as well as high-opportunity satellite investments to provide investors with a range of different return opportunities across different asset classes.
Market trends
What opportunities do multi-asset strategies offer in today’s market environment?
In today’s macroeconomic situation, characterised by inflation, interest rate changes and uncertainties, but also technological progress, multi asset strategies can play a valuable role. They offer the opportunity to diversify across different asset classes, thereby spreading risks and mitigating potential negative effects.
They also allow flexibility to adapt to ever-changing market conditions, which can contribute to improved portfolio stability. By investing in different geographical regions and sectors, they can also capitalise on growth opportunities while hedging the portfolio against various risks.
Different asset classes have differed in trends, whether it’s in direction, strength, or length.

Source: Allianz Global Investors as of 31/12/2023. Equities are represented by the MSCI World Net Total Return EUR Index, Global bonds are represented by the Bloomberg Global-Aggregate Total Return Index Value Hedged EUR and Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index Hedged EUR, Commodities by the Bloomberg Commodities Index Euro Total Return. Past performance does not predict future returns. The market cycle indicators represent the analysis of Allianz Global Investors of trends based on historical price data. This analysis contains opinions of Allianz Global Investors and its employees, and such are subject to change without notice. Statements concerning financial market trends were based on the current market conditions at the relevant time period, which will fluctuate. This analysis has been distributed for informational purposes only, does not constitute investment advice and is not a recommendation or offer of any particular security, strategy or investment product. The signal analysis is not indicative of future results.
Why invest in DMAS SRI?
The funds’ objective is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in a broad range of asset classes, with a focus on global stocks and bonds, in order to achieve medium to long term performance comparable to a defensive/balanced/growth -oriented portfolio, within a range of volatility in accordance with the Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) strategy, for the relevant assets.
However, each fund commences from a different level of volatility ranges (fluctuations of prices), and has a different level of strategic asset allocation (a proportion between fixed and variable income), and has different investment limits in equities.
The fundamental difference between the funds is mid to long term volatility range, the risk budget with which each of them is managed, typically resulting in a conservative, moderate and dynamic fund. The funds offer additional opportunities, such as alternative investments, commodities, emerging markets, high-yield investments, and more.
These vary depending on the individual fund profile and the relative attractiveness of classes according to our investment process with quantitative and fundamental assessments.
High flexibility
High degree of freedom in the use of investment opportunities across the entire investment universe.
Proven Process
The investment strategy combines systematic and fundamental components with active risk management.
Bundling of global expertise
Globally active specialist teams with many years of know-how in the areas of multi-asset, equities, bonds and sustainability.
What are the investor profiles available?
Fund information
- Comparably high stability of bonds with good credit quality
- Focus on companies and institutions striving for sustainability
- Enhanced return potential through addition of stocks, emerging markets assets, and high-yield bonds
- Risk and stability management using volatility bandwidths and the value-at-risk method
- Currency gains against investor currency possible
- Limited yield potential of bonds with good credit quality
- Sustainability approach narrows the universe to eligible issuers
- Increased risk of price fluctuations through addition of stocks, emerging markets assets, and high-yield bonds
- Risk and volatility management do not exclude potential losses
- Currency losses against investor currency possible
- Above-average yield potential of stocks over the long term
- Focus on companies and institutions striving for sustainability
- Enhanced return potential through addition of emerging markets assets and high-yield bonds
- Comparably high stability of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and stability management using volatility bandwidths and the value-at-risk method
- Currency gains against investor currency possible
- The volatility of fund unit prices may be increased
- Sustainability approach narrows the universe to eligible issuers
- Increased risk of price fluctuations and losses with stocks, emerging markets assets, and high-yield bonds
- Limited yield potential of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and volatility management do not exclude potential losses
- Currency losses against investor currency possible
- Above-average yield potential of stocks over the long term
- Focus on companies and institutions striving for sustainability
- Enhanced return potential through addition of emerging markets assets and high-yield bonds
- Comparably high stability of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and stability management using volatility bandwidths and the value-at-risk method
- Currency gains against investor currency possible
- The volatility of fund unit prices may be increased
- Sustainability approach narrows the universe to eligible issuers
- Increased risk of price fluctuations and losses with stocks, emerging markets assets, and high-yield bonds
- Limited yield potential of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and volatility management do not exclude potential losses
- Currency losses against investor currency possible
- Above-average yield potential of stocks over the long term
- Focus on companies and institutions striving for sustainability
- Enhanced return potential through addition of emerging markets assets and high-yield bonds
- Comparably high stability of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and stability management using volatility bandwidths and the value-at-risk method
- Currency gains against investor currency possible
- The volatility of fund unit prices may be increased
- Sustainability approach narrows the universe to eligible issuers
- Increased risk of price fluctuations and losses with stocks, emerging markets assets, and high-yield bonds
- Limited yield potential of bonds with good credit quality
- Risk and volatility management do not exclude potential losses
- Currency losses against investor currency possible

Marcus Stahlhacke
Fondsmanager Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy-Familie
"Active asset allocation, individual stock selection and consistent risk management are at the core of our multi-asset expertise. We actively take advantage of trends in the equity and bond asset classes. We open up additional income opportunities through the selection of individual stocks and alternative investments. Risk management is an integral part of the investment process and is intended to significantly reduce losses in severe market corrections.“
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectuses of the Funds and to the Key Information Documents. Documents before making any final investment decisions. For fund distributors and professional investors only. For Investors in France: Investors should note that, relative to the expectations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, these funds present disproportionate communication on the consideration of non-financial criteria in its investment policy.
Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Investing in fixed income instruments may expose investors to various risks, including but not limited to creditworthiness, interest rate, liquidity and restricted flexibility risks. Changes to the economic environment and market conditions may affect these risks, resulting in an adverse effect to the value of the investment. During periods of rising nominal interest rates, the values of fixed income instruments (including positions with respect to short-term fixed income instruments) are generally expected to decline. Conversely, during periods of declining interest rates, the values of these instruments are generally expected to rise. Liquidity risk may possibly delay or prevent account withdrawals or redemptions. The volatility of fund unit/share prices may be increased or even strongly increased. Past performance does not predict future returns. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency. This is for information only and not to be construed as a solicitation or an invitation to make an offer, to conclude a contract, or to buy or sell any securities. The products or securities described herein may not be available for sale in all jurisdictions or to certain categories of investors. This is for distribution only as permitted by applicable law and in particular not available to residents and/or nationals of the USA. The investment opportunities described herein do not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation, knowledge, experience or specific needs of any particular person and are not guaranteed. The Management Company may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of its collective investment undertakings in accordance with applicable de-notification regulation. The views and opinions expressed herein, which are subject to change without notice, are those of the issuer companies at the time of publication. The data used is derived from various sources, and assumed to be correct and reliable at the time of publication. The conditions of any underlying offer or contract that may have been, or will be, made or concluded, shall prevail. The duplication, publication, or transmission of the contents, irrespective of the form, is not permitted; except for the case of explicit permission by Allianz Global Investors GmbH.
For investors in Europe (excluding Switzerland & the United Kingdom)
For a free copy of the sales prospectus, incorporation documents, daily fund prices, Key Information Document, latest annual and semi-annual financial reports, contact the issuer at the address indicated below or www.allianzgi-regulatory.eu. Austrian investors may also contact the Austrian information agent Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, AT-1100 Vienna. Please read these documents, which are solely binding, carefully before investing. This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors GmbH, www.allianzgi.com, an investment company with limited liability, incorporated in Germany, with its registered office at Bockenheimer Landstrasse 42-44, 60323 Frankfurt/M, registered with the local court Frankfurt/M under HRB 9340, authorised by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (www.bafin.de). Allianz Global Investors GmbH has established branches in France, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Contact details and information on the local regulation are available here (www.allianzgi.com/Info). The Summary of Investor Rights is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish at https://regulatory.allianzgi.com/en/investors-rights
For investors in Switzerland
For a free copy of the sales prospectus, incorporation documents, daily fund prices, key investor information, latest annual and semi-annual financial reports, contact [the Swiss funds’ representative and paying agent BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, Zurich branch, Selnaustrasse 16, CH-8002 Zürich - for Swiss retail investors only] or the issuer either electronically or by mail at the given address. Please read these documents, which are solely binding, carefully before investing. This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors (Schweiz) AG, a 100% subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors GmbH. The Summary of Investor Rights is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish at https://regulatory.allianzgi.com/en/investors-rights
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