Transforming Infrastructure

It starts here.


Head of Infrastructure

Decarbonisation, Digitization, Demographics - These changes will be fundamental for society and will require long-term investors that can provide patient capital and help navigate this critical journey. We need to build today a better and more sustainable infrastructure for tomorrow.

CIO Infrastructure Debt

Infrastructure is key for the economic and social development of a country. We see many new infrastructure projects being developed that range from digitization to transport around the world that require financing and experienced partners by their side.

Co-Head Infrastructure Equity

After a record low in M&A in 2023 and a now more balanced macro environment, we see valuation expectations beginning to align and expect attractive opportunities over the coming years. In particular, we see high demand for capital for assets and companies that drive energy and digital transformations.

Co-Head Infrastructure Equity

Modernization of the European infrastructure requires huge investments, but is important to maintain industrial leadership, create jobs and ensure energy security. Institutional capital can play a vital role to support the transition and offer millions of life policy holders attractive risk-adjusted returns and long-term cash-yields for their retirement.

Co-Head Infrastructure Funds & Co-Investments

The secondary market in the infrastructure sector is still in its relative infancy. Even beyond the tailwind provided by the current market environment, we expect the infrastructure secondary market will continue to show stable growth in the future.

Co-Head Infrastructure Funds & Co-Investments

Energy security and energy transition will continue to drive attractive co-investment deal flow. Access to these opportunities alongside experienced fund partners can help to boost returns, accelerate deployment and drive sustainability.

Senior Portfolio Manager, Infrastructure and Energy Transition

Achieving net-zero goals demands substantial investments across various infrastructure sub-sectors. The improved economics of renewable assets present an attractive investment case, independent of regulatory landscapes. The private sector's involvement is crucial to drive these investments and ensure sustainable growth.

Allianz Global Investors

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